Photos of Flowers to Brighten a Dreary Day

After a spell of hot, humid weather, dreary, damp and cool seems to have made a comeback.

Weather dampened most weekend fun in our area and kept outdoor activities to a minimum.  Unless, you like the soggy look, it was a good time to read indoors, or huddle under cover somewhere.

Our family was enjoying an outdoor celebration — our granddaughter’s first birthday. The day brought several soakings for the men as they channelled their inner primitive and tended the suckling pig on the spit.  Women scurried back and forth from the tent between rain showers, trying to maintain makeup, hair and snazzy duds, while socializing. The day could have been much worse, but when the downpours hit there were moments when it was difficult not to feel just a little cheated.

At one point, however, in a break between the relentless spate of drizzles, I noticed a raindrop glistening off the petal of a gorgeous hibiscus on my daughter’s patio and was cheered.  There was something so pure and fresh about it, that it shook off any doldrums I might have been feeling.

So with another dreary day looming, and a desire to not let it dampen a good mood for even a second,  I’m hoping these pretty photos of water on flowers will do the trick. Water on Flowers Photos Water on Flowers

Acclaim Images Phots of Water on Flowers

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