Monday, Monday in the Business World

Well, it’s Monday, Monday again. Another work week has rolled around, a reality that seems to occur all too swiftly on the heels of a busy weekend.

Getting back to the job is different for each person. For some it’s a return to the factory, early morning starts and mid-afternoon punch outs. Others find themselves taking their place behind a cash register or retail counter, on various shifts at varying times.  Some hit the road, alone in trucks and vans.  Then there are those who enjoy the great outdoors in their place of employment, whether on construction or as a landscaper, but because of optimal summer hours, work long physically-demanding days.

A good number of people, day in and day out, however, spend their hours in a business office. Lawyers, counsellors, accountants, administrators,  clerical staff, bankers, traders, customer service reps… the list of professionals and career people who work at a desk, meet in conference rooms or spend a good portion of a day on a computer is large and diverse.  These photos, perfect for promotional material and advertisements, represent them all — even those of the  superhero ilk: Business Photos Business Photos

Acclaim Images Business Photos

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