I’ll be honest. I never quite understood the concept behind the Easter Bunny. Granted if we were looking for the cutest critter to transport and hide eggs for little ones to discover, we can’t do much better than an adorable fluffy rabbit. However, if that’s the only criteria wouldn’t a kitten or lamb have worked as well? Though, I suppose the former might be a little too playful to take the job seriously and the lamb would need someone to follow.
When I started to give some serious consideration to this, my mental musings took me on the path of spring, the season when we celebrate this holiday, and a time of rebirth in nature. Curious as to whether or not I had actually hit on something with this train of thought, I did a little digging and found this interesting fact on LatinTimes website:
“Curious what the Easter bunny has to do with Easter? According to the University of Florida’s Center for Children’s Literature and Culture, the Easter bunny dates back to the 13th-century when people prayed to multiple gods and goddesses. Eostra, the goddess of fertility and spring, was symbolized with the rabbit and is believed to have crossed over. The first mention of an Easter bunny wasn’t until the 1500s and it was in the 1680 that the story of the bunny was published.”
However, it came about really, one can hardly deny the appeal of the mythical Easter Bunny to children. When you are looking for images to exemplify the holiday, outside the Christian realm, our minds spring first to that charming hippity-hopping mammal with long ears and a cottontail, such as the one featured here in these clipart collections:
iCLIPART.com Easter Bunny Illustrations
Acclaim Images Easter Bunny Clipart