Guides to Using Photoshop Filters

As mentioned in an earlier post, my experience with Photoshop has been limited to what I needed to know. The basic skills were all that was necessary for the work I was doing. As a result there are tools I can find quite easily — crop, clone stamp, lasso, and eraser, while the remainder and most effects remain mysterious.

Having attained a certain age — somewhere between youthful zeal and elderly apathy, I seem to have in equal measure, a desire to keep learning and a cautious approach to new things.  Fortunately,  I attach more importance to the former.  So, I have committed a portion of each week to my own “Playtime With Photoshop” class.

The most recent session was experimenting with filters, which a colleague had mentioned to me. While I may have prior to this been aware of their existence, they fell into the ‘don’t touch lest you mess something up’ category. 

So, throwing caution to the wind recently, I clicked on filters and had some fun. It was a fascinating exercise and I will be spending a little more time discovering the endless possibilities. 

I share with you some of the sites that put me through the steps:

addictivetips Basic Guide to Photoshop Filters

echo enduring Photoshop Filter You Should Know

tutorial9 Photoshop’s Filters

Adobe Photoshop Filter Basics

Further Reading

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