Groundhog Day’s Tomorrow. ‘Willie’ or Won’t He See His Shadow?

So after tomorrow we will know. Will the local groundhog see his shadow and announce six more weeks of winter? Or will an overcast sky provide us with the hope of an early spring?

Feb. 2, as most people in North America know, is Groundhog Day. Across the continent at various places there are celebrity rodents that will rise out of their burrow to deliver their prediction for that area. 

I remember as a little child being very excited to hear that we’d have six more weeks of winter.  Not so much now.  I’m all about spring these days. Funny how getting a little older and wiser changes perspective. 

However, as I got older I also sadly came to realize that winter here isn’t going away in six weeks, shadow or not.  I’d be thrilled if we saw the last of the snow March 17, but heck, there are years when it can take six weeks after the last snowfall to get rid of what’s on the ground. 

Yet, despite this wisdom I’ve attained,  I still catch myself feeling a momentary glee when I hear that our Wiarton Willie came out of hibernation to a dreary dark day and returned without seeing his shadow. I guess an eternal optimist hides inside me somewhere.

So in preparation for what I hope will be a celebratory proclamation, enjoy these cute little groundhog illustrations just in time for their big day. Groundhog Day Illustrations

Acclaim Images Groundhog Images

TOONClipart Groundhog Cartoons

ClipartGuide Groundhog Illustrations

ClickArt Online Groundhog Images

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