Great Collections of Motorcycle Clipart

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. For the superstitious it’s a day of dread, its reputation of bad luck making the wary warier.

But there’s one group who can’t get enough of these dates in a year. In Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, each and every Friday the 13th is a celebration of all things motorcycle.  The streets fill with attendees — on bikes, as vendors and just those curious to see what it’s all about.

From the official website, the tradition began in 1981 when a group of 25 bike enthusiasts decided to meet at the former Commercial Hotel, now known as Angelos of Dover.  It just so happened to be Friday, Nov. 13, and a tradition was born. Since then the number of people riding into Port Dover on each and every one of these fateful days continues to increase.

This year with only two Friday the 13ths occurring — the next is in December — motorcyclists have been waiting through summer to enjoy this annual get-together. In keeping with their enthusiasm we offer a clipart collection perfect for the occasion: Motorcycle Illustrations

Acclaim Images Motorcycle Illustrations Motorcyle Illustrations

ClickArt Online Motorcycle Illustrations

ClipartGuide Motorcycle Illustrations

TOONClipart Motorcycle Cartoons

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