Apparently it could be an interesting trip this weekend. Especially given that the universe appears to be conspiring against us.
My husband and I, along with our daughter and two grandbabies, are setting out tomorrow for a little mini vacation. For a couple of days earlier this week we worried that we might have to cancel as our little granddaughter appeared to have contracted some kind of bug and was really under the weather. Fortunately, she rallied so all systems seemed to be go again.
Then a quick check of the weather for our travel day threw us another curve. Apparently, after a glorious autumn of unseasonably nice temperatures, there’s a winter storm watch. As we’re seasoned Snowbelt natives, the threat of snow doesn’t generally concern us overmuch; my husband’s comment when told the forecast was that he better put the snow tires on after all.
This is not to say that we don’t take it seriously, just that given our Canadian winters, particularly as we live right in the path of any lake effect snow off the Great Lakes, we have had to learn to cope.
When the force of winter hits, though, we treat it with respect. We intend to make our trip as planned, but we will be monitoring the weather and making whatever adjustments to our schedule and itinerary are necessary.
As we make our progress, possibly through all of the ugly that winter can throw at us, we will do our best to stay positive. Perhaps even focus on the season’s beauty too. Maybe these gorgeous photos will help us to put things into perspective: