Get Hopping on Your Easter Design Products With Help From These 7 Whimsical Clipart Collections

Clipart image of a bunny in an Easter basket with spring flowers

Spring, officially has arrived — though it does have a way to go yet before it actually feels like it.

Looking out the window we can see there is still a bit of that winter blanket lying around. Stepping out the door, we can feel Old Man Winter’s still got some kick left. But then the sun finds us and we know that things are only going to get better.

It’s that time of year, when our heavy coats and sweaters, mittens and gloves, toques and caps are probably all just too much, yet anything lighter doesn’t quite cut it.

It’s also the time of year when we look forward to another holiday that tends to be synonymous with family gatherings.  With thoughts of spring filling our minds,  we look ahead to the promise and fun of the Easter season.

While getting ready for this occasion isn’t the hectic organizing and prepping that precedes Christmas,  there’s still plenty to think about and plan for. One of the first traditions for me has been shopping for spring outfits for my little grandbabies, which actually got a really good start this year. On a mall outing with my younger daughter the topic of this ritual came up and like two greyhounds out of the gate we hightailed it to the children’s clothing store and after a frenzied spree, I was able to tick this task off the list.

Last week, I managed a few minutes to get the rest of the treats to go in their baskets and am now left with the grocery list, preparing the eggs for the hunt, the food for the main meals, along with the baking. Given that it’s a far less hectic time of year than the Christmas rush, though, it’s all rather enjoyable.

There will be one other task, however, a project that I came up with a few years ago, as a way to add a little personal touch to the dinner table. With our family growing, I thought it might be fun to try and avoid the mealtime shuffle around the dining room, where lefties jockey for position in order not to be constantly bumping elbows,  and came up with a well thought out seating plan. What would make this more entertaining, particularly for the little ones, was the creation of tags. It was a simple project, created with some of the adorable Easter images to be found from online clipart sources.

To show the smorgasbord of images available, here are some of my favourite collections from

A captivating collection of folksy Easter images.

Clipart image of a blue Easter bunny holding a basket of eggs

Sunny, bright and airy, this is delightful group of images can bring fun to any project.

Clipart image of a cartoon Easter dragon with eggs

When you’re looking for something with a touch of humour you won’t go wrong with these cartoons.

Clipart image of an Easter egg background

Start your Easter project with a seasonal background or add a nifty element to complete it.

Clipart image of a cartoon Easter bunny pulling a red wagon full of coloured eggs

There’s amusement and whimsy to be found in these absolutely awesome cartoons from an favourite.

Clipart image of a vintage Easter greeting with a blue bunny painting a pink egg

This group of images is sure to appeal to your nostalgic side.

Clipart image of a puppy in a bunny costume beside little chicks and Easter eggs
Bunnies, chicks, and pups highlight this selection of adorable Easter images. 
Clipart image of a cartoon pink Easter bunny holding a basket of coloured eggs and waving
Yet another lighthearted group of of popular cartoons.

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