Entertaining Clipart

They have the ability to move us, transform us, to take us away from reality into places of magic and beauty. They make us laugh, cry, listen, learn and tap our toes. They are the folks who entertain us.

My house has always been an ‘entertaining’ place.  Music played a big part of my life and the tradition continued with my children.  Piano lessons were de rigueur for all of our kids, until they found their preferred choices in school ensembles — clarinet, flute, trumpet and of course their own wonderful instrument — their voice. 

Our younger daughter channelled her inner — and outer — drama queen in secondary school musical productions, as well as taking a variety of dance and vocal classes as a child. Our youngest studied jazz guitar at college and not surprisingly has become one of our favourite performers to go hear.

Entertainment is an integral part of life, giving us culture and amusement, though genres and forms vary greatly. Some may choose slapstick over sophisticated.  Some like blues; others prefer opera. Some like to sit through a play or watch ballet; others prefer kicking up their heels to country. Or shake their booty to a salsa beat.  Some blow off steam listening to great electric guitar, while others prefer Yanni.

No matter the choice,  if it makes you feel good, it’s good.  Hope you find this clipart salute to the arts and culture entertaining too:

Clipart Guide Illustrations of Entertainers

iCLIPART.com Entertainers Clipart

Acclaim Images Entertainer Clipart

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