Economical Online Image Editing Software Options

Nothing’s perfect. At least not to everyone. Not the image you find to use in your projects nor the photo you took. 

A photographer friend of mine loves to ‘play’ with her pictures, adding text and clipart to them, fading hues or transforming them almost entirely to black and white while adding just a splash of colour.  Another shutterbug buddy is a purist, preferring to let the camera achieve the finished result. 

Neither is right nor wrong as far as I’m concerned. It’s all a reflection of their individual taste and preference.  Beauty, as we all know, is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone sees the same thing when looking at a Monet.  And what catches someone’s eye in one style of photography might do little to excite the person next to them.

How fortunate we are then that technology provides us with the means if we choose to create our own idea of perfection.  Image editing software helps us put a personal stamp on illustrations and photos, or tweak them so they exactly suit our needs. Here are some recent discoveries and familiar friends:

IMAGICphoto Photo Enhancer


Photo Pos pro Free Photo Editor



GIMP Image Manipulation Program

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