Creating Vectors in Illustrator

Once upon a time artists, cartoonists and illustrators didn’t have a lot of options for showing and selling their work.  Thanks to the world-wide web and the online graphics market they now have a chance, though admittedly it is a competitive industry, to make a living using their talent.

However, while the web-ready files still remain popular with people who have little or no experience with image editing, the demand for vector files (AI, EPS, SVG, WMF and PDF) is increasing. Anyone interested in starting out as a microstocker should know how to create them. And one of the most popular image editing softwares for doing so is Adobe Illustrator.  Below are some interesting tutorials and tips for creating vectors in AI:

gomediazine From Sketch to Vector Illustration

Snashing Magazine Sketch to Vector

ADOBE TV The Fastest Way to Create Vector Graphics With a Hand-Drawn Feel

Six Revisions Creating Vector Illustrations Illustrator Tutorial, Tips and Best Practices

eHow tech How to Create Vectors With Illustrator

ADOBE TV How to Create Vector Portraits With Illustrator CS4 Create a Vector Image in AI With Live Trace

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