Collections of Music-Inspired Illustrations

Beyond that of blood if there’s anything that ties my husband, children and me together it’s probably music — at any volume.  Our family shares a keen appreciation for it, in all of its genres. We love to listen, to sing along, to critique. One of us even has the right to do the latter, as he has actually spent years studying it.

When my husband and I first met, it became obvious that music was a big deal for us. I was into the new teenage beat before attaining the age of double digits. How nice for me that by the time he came courting, I realized I was hooking up with a guy who had been collecting albums and 45s for almost as many years. 

Then too, music played a predominant role in the upbringing of our children with lessons, bands and choirs. I sang to them as babies, hushed them with lullabies, and made darn sure they knew every band from the ’60s.

In their own time, they developed tastes of their own, which we encouraged. Today, I so enjoy hearing them talk about their favourite artists, debate the value of certain genres, or discuss the influences of old favourites on modern music.  Our conversations at family get-togethers inevitably lead to what concerts we’ve been to, what music we’ve heard lately and why it’s good or bad. 

Logically, therefore, the majority of our weekends involve music on some level, whether it’s going out to hear our son, travelling to see a favourite artist, or simply staying in to listen to our own collection. 

So in keeping with the tone of this missive, and combining two art forms, here are collections of illustrations perfect for the music lovers’ projects. Musical Illustrations Music Illustrations

Acclaim Images Music Collection


TOONClipart Music Cartoons

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