With only two weeks of shopping days left, Christmas is, or should be, on everyone’s mind.
At our house, however, the gifts have been purchased, wrapped and under the tree for quite some time as we focus our fun on the birthday celebrants in the family. Today marks our youngest child’s birth, followed four days later by his son’s birthday, then our older daughter’s celebration the next.
With my babies no longer living under my roof, making the fuss I used to when they really were my babies can’t happen. But I sure give it a good try, from the morning’s Happy Birthday to You phone call, to emails, to a squeezed-in visit if I can manage it on the day or at some point on the weekend after.
It’s always been important to me to acknowledge birthdays in a big way. There’s no day that honours a person more than the one on which they came into this world. We all know life should be celebrated. It just makes sense to me then that it be done well on the day that life first started.
Therefore, smack dab amidst the festive season celebrating one of the most important births there is, we offer these collections of charming illustrations to pay tribute to the excitement of ‘birth’ days:
iCLIPART.com Birth Illustrations