I love when spring’s in bloom. This past weekend we finally enjoyed the type of weather that makes you cast off any remaining remnants of the winter blues.
Temperatures were balmy and everyone in the neighbourhood was outdoors taking advantage. Yards were raked, garden paraphernalia put back in place and patio furniture set out in waiting for the gatherings of family and friends. We actually got a bit of a head start on that, taking a break at the end of the day of labour to relax with neighbours on the deck.
One of the really special things however, was the fact that our two grandchildren were visiting with us too. The elder, a precocious, curious little tot of not quite three, was born a nature lover, fascinated by critters and all things grown from Mother Earth. So as Papa toiled around the yard, I toured with Little Missy to see what new life could be found. A dancing robin, unconcerned by our following along, led her a merry chase across the lawn, while a few brave bugs began their first of many spring saunters along the sidewalk for her amusement.
But what most captured her attention were the first sprouts of spring blossoms peeking out from the dirt. We inspected dainty snowdrops and vibrant crocuses. I introduced her to the early signs of daffodils and hyacinths. Questions were asked and answered during an easy time of exploration, and the promise was made that on her next visit the flowers would be there.
In the meantime for spring in full bloom will have to be viewed in beautiful photos. As April is Daffodil Month in support of the Canadian Cancer Society, here are some gorgeous images of that perky spring flower: