Awesome New Year Illustrations for 2015

As said in song and verse, it’s the most wonderful time of the year.

For weeks now Christmas has been on the hearts and minds of many. We are busy with the planning and preparations. Shopping is done, presents are wrapped. Menus are set, baking is done.  Events have been organized, parties are everywhere. Our lives are full of the spirit and goodwill of the season and thoughts centre around little else.

But, as we move closer to this beautiful holiday,  there’s another event on the horizon which tends to be a bit of an afterthought. Until the celebration of Christmas is behind us New Year’s can often be given short shrift. Amidst the holiday questions asked of family and friends, there may be a few regarding one’s plans for Dec. 31, but most attention goes to the plans, the hopes, the fun of Christmas.

However, before we know it, we will have left this wonder of the season behind us and begin looking ahead to another year. In less than two weeks we will turn a calendar page to 2015. If you are already thinking of this milestone, creating projects for this occasion, here are some terrific ‘new year’ illustrations from

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