“The way I see it, you should live every day like it’s your birthday.”
Now I’ve never suspected Paris Hilton of erudition, but she certainly got it right with that comment. The anniversary of our birth is typically a day for celebration, not just of the person we are, but of the person we have been. How could there be any better way to approach every day of life?
Perennial favourite Opray Winfrey, who has certainly a greater penchant for profundity than Paris, reminds us that the more we praise and celebrate our lives, the more there is in life to celebrate. So then, what better time to do so than on a birthday, the perfect excuse to throw a party?
Thinking back to these celebrations in my past, my mind fills with images of fun and laughter, of food and liveliness. There are games to be played and gifts to be opened. These are pictures of happiness and vitality. The faces of friends and family can only be described as animated as they enjoy the company of loved ones and the pleasure in knowing the guest of honour.
For this reason, it seemed appropriate then to put the focus today on animations rather than static images to define the sense of celebration that accompanies a birthday. Here’s a terrific collection from AnimationFactory .