Adorable Pets Dressed for Christmas

So, in the absence of any twinkling lights at the office, I decided today to deck myself with, well, not boughs of holly, but some festive decorating nonetheless.  On a recent shopping trip with my daughter I picked up one of those kitschy flashing Christmas light necklaces. And today was the day to wear it. Some snowflake earrings finished my seasonal fashion statement.

When it comes to holiday chic it’s strange how easy it is to throw good taste out the window. From tacky sweaters to well… flashing necklaces, style at this time of year often takes a back seat to the garish and gaudy. But why not. it’s Christmas, the time of year to be merry and bright. Anything that might bring a smile to someone’s face, whether faux antlers on the bank clerk or Rudolph’s nose on the grocer, is just fine with me.

I do have some mixed feelings though when it comes to dressing up your pet for the season. There’s something about the woebegone look on a gorgeous golden wearing a Santa cap that has me feeling a dash of pity. After all, unlike your Great-Uncle Irving and that tacky sweater with flashing lights and jingling bells he loves to wear, the pet has no say. 

There’s no denying, however, that they do look rather adorable. So while I might not feel inclined to dress my pet in holiday apparel,  if others do .. well, why not?  It’s not like it hurts anything.  Besides other than children what could possibly spread more holiday cheer than a pup or puss in wonderful tasteless holiday style? Any doubts just check out these sweet photo collections: Photos of Pets in Christmas Outfits

Huffington Post Pets in Christmas Costumes

Thumbpress Pets in Christmas Costume

Acclaim Images Pets in Christmas Costume

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