A Seasonal Favourite

I’m in my happy place these days. While tap, tap, tapping away at work on my computer keyboard my ears are plugged in to seasonal music.

Being the type of person who starts thinking about all things Christmas in October, the dearth of holiday tunes on the radio these days typically frustrates me no end. The music is some of the nicest there is and the time for listening is limited, so I’ve never understood why more stations don’t play it more.  The other day, however, a friend told me about one  that’s on the festive bandwagon, playing nothing but seasonal favourites 24/7.  I am now their most faithful listener.

With earbuds firmly in place I Jingle Bells with Streisand, rock around the Christmas tree with Brenda Lee and despite the melting snow outside dream of a White Christmas with Bing.  As I sit here now writing this blog I’m enjoying a tune that’s a particular favourite of children.

And with that as a perfect intro, here are some illustrations of Rudoph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, as plentiful and diverse as the musical artists who have sung his story for us this and past holiday seasons.

iCLIPART.com Rudolph Illustrations

ClickArt Online Rudolph Illustrations

ClipartGuide Rudolph Illustrations

Acclaim Images Rudolph Clipart

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