A Collection of Dynamic Fitness Photos

“In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.”  Unknown

An expression I have paraphrased many times in recent years, as my husband and I joke about the way we feel upon waking each day.  Stiff and aching, still tired, we wonder why a night’s sleep has failed to recharge mind and body.

Admittedly, our lifestyle might be partly to blame. There’s a lot of work, plenty of play, but very few hours dedicated to exercise.

With the morning alarm startling us into reality already far too early, there’s little time for much more than a few yoga poses before heading to the shower.  I bike my short jaunt to and from work, the same at lunch, and I walk on breaks. There’s also a weekly yoga session.

With bursts of energy in various forms, at select times throughout the workday, co-workers and I try to undo some of the damage that hours behind a desk will cause. Push-ups, a plank, squats and downward dog get the juices flowing.

Sadly, it’s not enough to keep me in the shape I wish I was in. As recently mentioned to an acquaintance after seeing him cycling one evening then jogging the next morning, I want to be that person. There just doesn’t seem to be enough gumption there at the moment. Having dragged myself home from work, prepared supper, threw in some laundry and cleaned up every night, I have far more interest in a glass of wine than in a good walk.

My pursuit of wellness, however, does come in fits and spurts. I’ve been known to attack my fitness goals with vengeance on occasion. It was highlighted several years ago by a determined effort to lose some weight. Mornings started at dawn with a four-mile speed walk. Nights ended with an hour of Pilates. I had never felt better — boundless vitality consumed me. So much so that sitting and visiting was difficult. I wanted to move.

Then for some strange reason a backslide started and I’ve never been able to get myself into the right frame of mind again.  I am, however, ever hopeful.

Never forgetting though the words of Josh Billings, a 19th century humorist. “There’s lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven’t the time to enjoy it.”

Even in fitness there needs to be balance. Some day, I will find the time necessary to step up my game a bit.  For now, I will stay focussed on getting what exercise I can without having it disrupt the many just-being-still moments I love.  In the meantime I will continue to admire the hard bodies, the fitness buffs, the joggers, swimmers and cyclers while setting my sights on the near future.

For now there’s inspiration to be found in these great fitness photos from iPHOTOS.com

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