9 Autumn Photoshop Tutorials

It was strange waking up this morning and thinking about the children going back to school. It wasn’t just that I don’t have any little ones of my own any more, for whom I would have  spent the past few weeks buying new clothes and supplies, that made this  a bit surreal.

It was also the fact that this past weekend might very well have been the hottest and muggiest we’ve experienced all summer.  It was  that primarily I think that made the fact of its impending end seem a little off. 

While the possibility of many warm days remains, while the equinox is still weeks away, once the kids head back to school for another year, it’s like Mother Nature knows. You can feel the breath of autumn on each late summer breeze.

As an end of September birthday celebrant, I loved the fall as a child. Now, though, I’m a little blue when I feel it’s on its way.  I mourn the loss of a burning sun, of long days, of beaches and campfires, hammocks and patios.

And yet, autumn is not without its appeal — primarily a result of those glorious changing colours. Nobel prize-winning author, journalist and philosopher Albert Camus described autumn as “a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.”

The hues, the textures and changing moods of the twilight season make it a perfect subject for some Photoshop fun, too. Here are just a few to try on those cool damp fall days:

Photoshop Blending Tutorial

Add Autumn Colour to Your Landscapes

Create Realistic Autumn Effect

Sunset Autumn Glow Effect

Autumn Photo Manipulation

Create Autumn in Photoshop

Create Autumn Colours in Photoshop

Autumn Fairy Photo Manipulation

Autumn 3D Text Effect

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