Late fall has blessed us with its first substantial snowfall the past couple of days. Big fluffy flakes have blanketed the area, transforming the landscape into a clean, monochromatic palette. The construction zone the folks in our village have been living through since June has been obliterated for the time being — an aesthetic bonus, I suppose, but a challenge for walkers as plowing certain areas isn’t happening.
Plunging through on my walk to work this morning, I did my best to follow in the footsteps of one who had gone before. The pattern created by my predecessor, who it seems was a rather big-footed, long striding gentleman, was a bit of a meandering path cut through an otherwise plain carpet.
Then, crossing the bridge and glancing down the slope that has become popular with local children for sledding, I noticed the rolling design created by dips and drifts formed by yesterday’s high winds. Walking up the road, past one of the grand old maples lining the street, I saw the pattern of snow on bark, the unwitting artistry of multiple tire tracks on the street, the snow angel formed by a child waiting for their bus.
When I finally settled down in front of my computer, the patterns of winter were first and foremost on my mind. So, here then are some beautiful images from of how Jack Frost and Mother Nature work their magic at this time of year.