780 Photos of Walking for Fitness and Fun

Well, first I should probably extend a belated Happy New Year and wishes for all the best in the upcoming year.  2015 ticked away its final minutes on a Thursday evening, leading into a long weekend for everyone.

For a fortunate few, today, Monday, Jan. 4 is actually the first day back to work after an extended break between Christmas and the new year. Back to the grind, back to routine, back to reality.

That reality often includes as well a return to exercise and healthy eating which might have lapsed over the holidays, or the resolve that you are going to finally set yourself on a positive lifestyle track.

I fall somewhere between these two groups. I know what I should eat and have made the changes at this point that I feel are most important without taking all the fun out of life. Well, my life anyway. I do a bit of yoga, walk when I can, make it a point to take extra trips up and down our stairs and sneak in some lunges and squats during the work day.

But I know that if I want to maintain the level of health I currently enjoy, without medications, I’m going to probably have to step up my game. Since years of resolutions have proven only that I succeed quite well at not following through, for this year  I only made a promise to myself that I would add one healthy lifestyle habit to my short list. The plan then is to either up the game each consecutive year or add something new.

For 2016 I intend  to walk a little more, a little faster, a little farther than I have been. For inspiration, here are some great photos of dedicated strollers:



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