5 Swimming Tutorials

There’s nothing more exhilarating in the summer than that first dip in the pool or lake. The initial chill, the total quiet of immersion, being at one with the water are enlivening.

There is the feeling of buoyancy and gracefulness, a sense that you are washing away the troubles and cares of the world.  You are light and carefree.

I used to love to watch my daughter swim. While she was a mediocre athlete on land, neither an embarrassment nor skilled, she moved through the water with elegant, yet strong strokes.  She could go the distance, tread forever and tolerate the most unfavourable conditions.  The image of her swimming across a lake on a chilly late spring morning, or gliding across the pool on a lazy hot summer day was truly poetry in motion.

As today is Tutorial Tuesday, and as I have those memories of her in mind at present, I thought I’d do a little searching to see what kind of image editing projects I could find surrounding the theme of swimming. Here are the results:

Lady Swimming in the Sea

Swimming Pool Effect

Create an Underwater Scene

Olympic Swimmer


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