5 Sunny Clipart Collections

It’s funny how grateful and almost surprised we are when it actually happens. We know it’s on its way. We know that the nasty won’t last forever, we know good stuff is just around the corner.

Yet, when we wake to the first spring day that lifts us with blue sky and sunshine, that wraps us in summer warmth, we glow, smile and say thank you for this wonderful gift.

Such was the case this past weekend when after a dismal start to spring we enjoyed a Saturday and Sunday that surprised us with temperatures in the low 20s and azure skies that lightened the heart. From every house people moved outdoors, like soft petals unfolding from verdant leaves,  to take on tasks or simply laze on decks and patios.

My husband and I celebrated the wonderful weather as perfectly as possible — with long-time friends and a few ritualistic seasonal firsts under the belt.

Saturday, a social commitment took us to a picturesque town on the shores of Lake Erie, one of the best possible places to spend the first great day of the warm seasons.  After a social time at a beach front establishment, we found our way home in the evening, only to have my camp fire loving hubby disappointed to discover that he’d just missed the first one of the year at the neighbour’s.

We made up for it the next day, however, when after an afternoon of running to get everything done, we had  our first wine-thirty Sunday at the neighbours. In total appreciation of the wonderful day we’d been given, we came to an unspoken agreement, skipping supper in return for an extended stay in the sun.

Spring sunshine chases away the heaviness of winter. It brightens the world and our spirits. We know it’s coming every year, but when it finally arrives, we can’t help but feel like we’ve been given a special gift.

So to celebrate that which feeds mind, body and soul here are some sunny clipart collections for a pretty spring day:

iCLIPART.com Sunshine Illustrations

Clipart.com Sunshine Illustrations

Acclaim Images Sunshine Clipart

ClipartGuide Sunshine Illustrations

ClickArt Online Sunshine Illustrations

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