5 Sources of Trick-Or-Treater Illustrations

Chatter around the office these days from the young moms we work with often touches on Halloween. Most specifically the costumes to be worn by their little trick-or-treaters.

It was also the topic of discussion at a family gathering yesterday as my daughters discussed the plans for their wee ones.  The oldest of the three, who at the age of three  can articulate a preference, has decided that she will be a “so beautiful butterfly”.

Her cousin, a toddler, is keeping the insect theme going as a bumble bee, while the choice for her little brother is all about matching his blond locks and personality.  He, it has been decided, can only be Bam Bam.

I even enjoy getting into the spirit myself on occasion and I loved figuring out what my kids would be wearing each year.  When they were small,  thinking of what they could be,  a costume that would be cute but would keep them warm as we travelled from door to door on what was typically a miserable late autumn night was a fun dilemma.

As they got older the challenge was  to come up with their perfect costume without breaking the budget.  So many times I wished for a modicum of sewing ability or that I was more innovative, because it was now important that they look good in front of their peers.

Currently, though,  the fun for me is greeting all the little trick-or-treaters at my door, especially the tiny ones disguised in adorable animal costumes, or as fairy princesses and the popular cartoon heroes of the day.

Here are clipart collections  that  highlight the witches, warlocks, ghosts and goblins, as well as sundry other fun characters that arrive on our doorstep Oct. 31:



Acclaim Images


ClickArt Online

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