5 Photoshop Tutorials for Personal Valentine’s Day Projects

Clipart Image of an Elizabethan Minstrel on Bended Knee Playing a Guitar

“Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.”

Oh, that Mr. Shakespeare did have a way with words.  His romantic thoughts transferred to elegant verse can be positively swoon worthy. My heart melts when I hear those words from Hamlet.  My soul sighs when Romeo speaks upon seeing  his beloved Juliet: “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”

Of course,  nobody talks like this any more. In today’s harried and hurried society we have come to rely on texting and social media for conversation, and yes, even to convey our heartfelt thoughts. Albeit in acronyms and within 140 characters.

There are still some old-school folks who remember what it was like though, to keep things personal, when love notes were hand-written and shared discreetly, rather than shouting their feelings from the proverbial social media rooftops.

I would be among them.  My hubby and I have been together a long time. The life we had before each other has become a blip in our personal history compared to the one we’ve built in the decades since.  While neither of us is overly romantic we’re no slouches either when it comes to wooing each other. Practise makes perfect so they say. Our gestures are more thoughtful than cheesy,  more about building meaningful traditions than grand overtures.

We use opportunities like birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day to say through a card what we haven’t been able to put into words ourselves, believing that a reminder of one’s devotion to another can’t happen too often. Every one of them has been saved.

There have even been some of those little handwritten notes over the years. And it is these that are most cherished. They might not have been as eloquent as Shakespeare but they are personal which means more.

As Valentine’s Day approaches it’s a good time to think what you can do to make this one special. There will be romantic dinners. Many marriage proposals will happen.  Florists, card shops and chocolate stores will be kept busy. And those gifted with the romantic gene will come up with unique and individual ways to express their love and passion. 

You could also, while combining the technology of today with old-school, make this Valentine’s Day special by creating something unique  Whether it’s a card or some inspired artwork, Photoshop can help you put your own spin on a personal project. Here are some great ideas and tutorials to inspire you:

A general video tutorial, not geared specifically to matters of the heart, but a perfect way to showcase some of your most personal  pictures in a very special gift.

An excellent tutorial that combines two images into a romantic piece of art.

With this relatively easy tutorial you can create a romantic card that includes a photo of you and your sweetheart.
This step-by-step video guides you through the process of creating your very own cards, a perfect, yet simple way to make your message personal.
Another simple video tutorial combines vintage images with a photo and text for a fun Valentine greeting.

Further Reading

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