Nothing says summer like baseball and fortunately the way our Toronto Blue Jays have been playing, it doesn’t look as if our season is going to end too soon. The team is on fire and whether you’re one of the die-hard faithful or just jumping on the bandwagon, it’s plenty exciting to see.
After the 1992-93 back-to-back World Series championships, there seemed to be a steady fall to the basement. For fans it was tough to watch.
For our youngest child during the team’s heyday, life was all about the game. He was an excellent player, adept at most positions, consistent in his hitting. But more importantly he had a zeal for the game. When he wasn’t playing or practising he was watching.
In those days besides faithfully following his games, my hubby and I watched televised games and attended Jays games with him. I never dreamt then that things would change.
At the age of 13, however, he discovered the guitar and as his proficiency in this field grew, the ball glove and bat took second place on his priority list.
This change coincidentally, or perhaps not, came as favourites on the Jays roster began departing and the glory days seemed to be behind them. Eventually, it became hard to watch the struggles and losses with none of our heroes left on the team. We ultimately found other ways to spend our leisure time.
But now it seems the boys of summer are back — and with them a renewed excitement in the game. So, while we are finishing the final days before kids return to school, while autumn is sitting poised prettily for its debut, baseball is keeping summer alive. We celebrate it with these fun collections: