I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. A lovely surprise came our way in the form of a glorious spring day for our family gathering. With the canopy of leaves still just a promise in the hint of tiny buds on bare branches, a blazing sun heated the back deck to summer pleasure. Faces turned towards it, we soaked up its energy.
Then this morning, the deluge. After thunderstorms through the night, we awoke to a rainfall warning and a day as grey as great-granny’s hair. So much change in 24 hours but nothing unexpected.
It is spring after all.
A good deal of life comes with this season. It’s a rebirth and reawakening of the world around us, in the gardens that surround our homes, in the rural landscape that surrounds our communities.
Certainly it’s dreary to look out the window into a damp, grey world. But, unlike the same scene on a cold winter day, there is something heartening in a spring rain. Even the worst of them make me think ‘fresh start’.
Part of the sense of freshening and renewal that comes with the season is about cleansing and energy. Early spring rains wash away the detritus of Old Man Winter. They help to green the grass and burst the buds. They bring puddles for tiny feet to splash muddy boots in.
With spring, we begin to move outdoors — whether a sunny, glorious surprise of a day like Sunday, or one of drizzle. Confronted by the latter we cloak ourselves in rubber boots and raincoats, open the doors and raise umbrellas to the skies.
In celebration of the clean new world spring brings us, to lift our spirits on a dreary day, here are some wonderful rainy day illustrations:
iCLIPART.com Spring Rain Illustrations