3 Collections of Mother’s Day Clipart

As the snows of winter start to ease their way off our landscape, as we look toward the signs of budding blooms, as we listen for the robin’s trill, there are many special occasions to think about over the next few weeks. With an Irish jig, St. Patrick’s Day closes out the cold season and leads us into spring, followed soon after by Easter.

But it’s the holiday just under two months from now that holds significance for me. As a daughter, a mother and grandmother,  I find plenty of reasons to celebrate Mother’s Day.  First, I’m lucky to be able to honour my own mom, a sharp 94-year-old who has, since the passing of my father last year moved to a long-term care facility just blocks away from me.  For  people my age,  having someone in your life who still introduces you as “The baby” is rare.

Then there are the ones that call me Mom. I joined the ranks of motherhood early and can’t recall a time when my kids weren’t with me. They’ve essentially been my life’s work and there’s no greater pleasure for me than having them all together to celebrate, well, me.

And then there are the two I call daughters but others call Mama. Watching my girls as mothers, acknowledging the gifts that they gave this grandma, is an amazing experience. Commemorating the day with them is a treat.

There are many mothers to honour — old, young and all those in between.  These collections of images cover all the bases and are perfect for personal and business projects you might create to commemorate their special day this May:



Acclaim Images

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