3 Collections of Magical Unicorn Illustrations

Not sure what it is, but in my experience I’ve never known a little girl who wasn’t in love with horses. From the ill-fated Bonnie Blue in Gone With the Wind, to the childhood me and both my girls, the principle fascination in life at tender years was to own a pony. The ultimate goal when the time came later, of course, was to convince Mom and Dad we deserved a horse.

It’s little wonder then that when we combine childhood fantasy with the equine dream of little princesses, one of the biggest fascinations is for unicorns. These mystical, magical creatures are the stuff of legends and fairytales, enchanting and beautiful with spiralling horn and flowing mane.  In the minds of tiny girls they are horses and more, visions of pink and white, friends of dancing fairies and woodland nymphs.

A young girl’s fascination with these mythical animals makes them the perfect image for use in projects designed for a little princess — whether it’s as a theme for a birthday party, in a mural for a nursery or bedroom wall, to illustrate an original story or decorate a card, or any other possibilities where your imagination might take you. You can find the style you need in these wonderful collections:



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