2 Collections of Summer Fun Illustrations

Who doesn’t love Friday? No matter how much you love your job,  on the fifth day, it’s time to recharge those batteries. You need to clear out a mind full of detritus left over from a productive week and fill it with distractions.

So, no offence to the bosses you love, or to the job you do, but getting through this day tends to preoccupy thoughts.

I saw a quote from James Johnson about Friday that just made me smile on this particular one. I share it here, with no disrespect of course to the bosses I love and the job I enjoy.

“If my boss knew how unproductive I am on Fridays, he wouldn’t want me here either.”

Reading it to my colleagues prompted a good bit of chuckling around the office. Good workers though we might be, satisfied as we are in our workplace, we often joke about what happens to us on Fridays. Though we get along quite well, there’s an ebullience on the final workday that doesn’t quite exist at any other time. Full of giddy cheerfulness, excited about weekend plans,  finding our focus and settling in can take a little longer in the morning.

We have turned it into a bit of a party day actually. With some assistance from the boss who has given us access to a television so that we can enjoy The Blacklist while dining on takeout.  See, he understands Fridays too.

I don’t really think that anyone can be blamed for Friday distraction. Especially this time of year. The sun shines through windows reminding us that we’re indoors and it’s quite lovely outside. For days, we kept our eye on the weather and kept in our minds ideas for the weekend. Now they are ultimately within reach.

The places we expect to be are the kind we spend the long winter dreaming about. Lounging poolside. Being soothed by birdsong and aesthetic perfection from a garden chair. Lazing on the deck with chilled wines and good books. Slicing through cool waters in sailboats or jetskis.  Listening to surf while stretched out on warm sand. Relaxing on a lake country dock to the chorus of bullfrog and loon.

These are the joys of Canadian summers.

So who can blame us really for losing it a bit on Friday? It’s We’re so close to the fun, with the glow of anticipation surrounding us. The clipart collections today then are a reflection of all that’s good about weekends in the summer:

iCLIPART.com Summer Fun Illustrations

Clipart.com Summer Fun Illustrations

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