127 Rose Animations

June is here and with it all the goodness of summer without the bad. Temperatures are warming but the humidity is held at bay. There is a plethora of birds serenading us from treetops and in gardens, yet the mosquitoes presence is still somewhat subtle.  Flowerbeds are full of promise, just a hint of the aesthetic perfection we will soon behold. Conversely, the weeds aren’t winning. Yet.

There is much to celebrate in June. Summer will officially arrive. It’s the traditional month for brides to take their ceremonious stroll down the aisle.

And a quick look at a calendar of special events and holidays will reveal that many organizations have selected June as a good month for fundraising campaigns and to promote  their causes. From A-Z there’s a diverse cross-section of interests represented.

Some, such as National Scoliosis Month,  raise awareness of health issues.  Those similar to Great Outdoors Month and National Oceans Month hope to raise environmental consciousness. There are also social issues addressed, as with the National GLBT Pride activities that will be held this month.

Finally, there are observances that are just plain fun. Whether it’s promoting an interest or hobby, such as gardening, or something delectable (June is National Candy Month) there’s a celebration for everyone to get behind.

In trying to decide which of these to honour with a collection of clipart today, I decided to see if I could find a way to highlight at least some of the elements I’ve mentioned above.

June is National Rose Month.   Glorious to behold, the lush flowers also have many health benefits.  They are a favourite bouquet of brides. They are symbolic of  social issues such as grief and  faith. That their beauty is a benefit to our outdoor world is unquestionable.  For their fragrance and  plumage they are a favourite of gardeners.

So the list was pretty much covered, I decided with the rose. How to make it fun was in choosing animations as the clipart collection for today:

Animated Roses from Animation Factory

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