As frosty, cold days ease in to bitter cold nights, it is summer’s warmth and sunshine that I miss the most in winter. Coming a close third, however, is the kaleidoscopic palette of gardens, some structured and elegant, others riotous and carefree, but all alive with colour and texture.
When it comes to variety, there is probably no other flower that offers as much as the rose. So much so, that they can be a garden on their own. With literally thousands of kinds, bearing names with old-world charm such as Victorian Lace, or personality such as Sam Tucker, they are a favourite of many green thumbs and romantics.
Not satisfied to be as glorious aesthetically as a bloom can be, the gorgeous rose also holds a special place in the realm of symbolism. White, often the popular choice of dewy-eyed brides, stands for purity and innocence. Pink can signify appreciation and gratitude, or in its lightest hue, sympathy. There is joy and gladness, friendship and promise in the yellow rose, while peach conveys modesty, sincerity and gratitude.
There is probably none, however, more romantic than the lovely red rose. With Valentine’s Day less than a month away, this photo collection offers 100 examples of the floral symbol of love, passion and beauty: